Exercises to prevent a hamstring re-injury

Exercises to prevent a hamstring re-injury
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After a hamstring injury, what is the best way to judge if an athlete is ready to return to play? Researchers have found that after the pain of a hamstring injury (HSI) is gone that does not mean all is ok:

  • strength is slow to return
  • muscle fascicles ( a bunch of fibers) are shortened
  • reinjury rates are very high

Our approach-is to combine soft tissue work and exercises (see below).

Soft tissue work myofascial therapy increases hamstring flexibility (see below). It probably does this through a neurophysiological effect.  

Eccentric exercise- There is strong evidence that eccentric exercises can prevent hamstring re-injury.  


ART research on hamstring flexibility

Kage-  Immediate effect of ART vs Mulligan Bent Leg Raise (MBLR) in subjects with hamstring tightness: RCT 2013

“A single session of ART is better as compared to MBLR technique to improve hamstring flexibility and range of motion.”

Shah, S + Kage, V.-  Comparative Effectiveness of ART and Rolfing on hamstring tightness in normal subjects. RCT  

 “ART showed better improvement as compared to Rolfing in terms of Popliteal angle.”

George, JW-  The effects of ART on hamstring flexibility  2006

“This study demonstrated that a single ART treatment increased hamstring flexibility in a group of healthy, active male participants.“

For more fitness, rehab, and wellness news, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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