Is it a Plantaris or an Achilles Injury?

Is it a Plantaris or an Achilles Injury?

The plantaris muscle runs from the back of the outside of the knee to insert on the inside of the heel bone.  A recent study of 214 elite UK track athletes found 33 had plantaris injuries. Interestingly, a high number were on the right leg of bend runners.  In 2011, an anatomical study found the plantaris insertion was near the most common site of pain along the Achilles tendon.  In another study, the same researchers concluded that mid portion Achilles tendinopathy may involve the plantaris.  Jill Cook, the renowned tendon researcher, recently wrote that ~1 in 5 of long-term unresolved Achilles tendinopathies were found to be the plantaris.

I have found myofascial release (MR) to be effective in treating pain in this area.  One recent study, found MR effective in reducing heel pain by working the calf, and another study found MR effective for tennis elbow.  

The best exercise for Achilles tendinopathy is eccentric calf lowering.

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