The Modified Shrug

The Modified Shrug
Manual Therapy UK 
Therapist’s guide to all things trap 

2015 studyThe overhead shrug showed good upper trap activation and decreased lev scap activation, compared to traditional shrugs. I shot a video demonstration.

Two recent studies by Pizzari and Choi compared traditional shrugs with a modified shrugs (30° abducted)  Upper and lower trap activity was greater with the modified shrug.  Many shoulder problems are linked to a lack of upward rotation of the scapula. Andreo Spina has a nice video which goes over some helpful information, and shows some isometric exercises.

Some  thoughts:

  • don’t ask patients to do a push-up plus, there are better ways to isolate the SA.
  • use body weight when possible (modified pull ups in Spina video) or regress to cables (Stability Push-Pull exercise).
  • do the modified shrug, and the traditional shrug less often.
  • resting scapular position (even if asymmetric) is probably not important, and unlikely to be altered with exercises.
  • holding a ball against the wall and doing arm circles is overused.
  • many will find it hard not to over-activate the upper traps with Y and T exercises.
  • don’t bother “setting” your scapula, pulling your scapulas down and in is probably not advised( thoracic mobility and positioning the rib cage might be more important).  Mike Reinold has two articles on the topic 1 and 2.
  • raise your sternum, don’t retract the scapulae
  • “the exact role of (scapular) dyskinesis in creating or exacerbating shoulder dysfunction is not clearly defined.” Scapular Summit  2013 consensus statement.
  • traditional rot cuff exercises train the “scapular stabilizers” too. Greg Lehman on the scaption exercise which works wonders (look at the EMG figures).
  • breathing re-education worked in this study, and is an important factor IMO.
  • barbell unilateral overhead shrugs should be considered Eric Cressey.
  • The ART Complex Protocols includes some very handy moves involving the serratus posterior superior / rhomboid /upper trap / levator scap / posterior scalene.  Emphasis is placed on assisting the relative motions of the muscles as they move.

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