Increase hip rotation with core work.

Increase hip rotation with core work.

If you test the hip rotation of athletes (and non-athletes) you will find that internal rotation is often reduced on one side.  Before I get stuck in and start working on structures I always perform some core activations and retest.  Even in athletes who deadlift and squat big weights I find that core activation often makes a difference.  It also can be maintained if the athlete work on “the core” a bit.

  •   Side plank with hip abduction 3 x 10 seconds and retest hip mobility.
  •   Dean Somerset’s video shows a great example.
  •   A nice floor exercise to improve motor control and tissue flexibility.
  •   Moreside and Stu McGill did a study on this topic.  They found that hip rotation could be increased without stretching.  They were able to show a large increase in hip ROM with stretching in subjects with limited hip mobility (<50th percentile). Post intervention the subjects were >75th percentile.  I’d guess they are a lot less likely to need a hip replacement down the line if they maintain the gains.



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Treating professional athletes and the general public since 1997.